Monday, January 10, 2011

Pricing Decisions: What do we even price?

While in Chile we stopped in a mall and looked about in a pet store. We noticed that the price of fish was prominently displayed on the tank, yet there were no prices on the puppy cages. Is this the same in America? Does this make sense? Where else might placing prices (or excluding prices) force us to reinterpret our consumption transactions?


  1. You see prices effecting views of things at fast food places too. I mean the second something on the 99 cent menu goes to 1.09 it becomes so less appealing.

  2. Also, at higher-end restaurants they don't list the price at all. And if they do, it's often times even numbers (16 instead of $15.99) I guess this must be because customers at these restaurants are relatively price-insensitive. Very much unlike McDonalds.
