Thursday, January 27, 2011

Coke vs. Pepsi

 A couple (well 3) of the CI gang (we need a better name for this) decided to put their tongues where their mouths were (a bad mix-ed metaphor) and see if their loyalty to Coke and Pepsi were based on real or percieved differences. They write:

"After your lecture yesterday we decided to test your experiment to see if we could tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi. We did a blind triangle test and out of the 3 of us, only Sammie got it correct all 3 trials. I got 1 right on my 2nd trial and Keziah didn't get any right. We attached two pictures in case you wanted to see how we did it and we thought it might be a good blog post. In the picture, from left to right is Sammie, me (Monika), and Keziah."

Update! More data has arrived thanks to Alex, who had a 50% success rate in his sample. This brings our sample of 7 and our success rate at identifying a difference to  43%. 

Let's have the data keep coming in!


  1. I absolutely want to take the challenge. I bet I could match Sammie. I love Coke :)

  2. I am doing this today with my roommates!
