Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Metrics for Measuring C(K)lout

This WSJ article will make a lot of sense when you start reading Cognitive Surplus. We talk a lot about how social media now changes corporate/brand information from being unidirectional to multidirectional. And while we can be aware of the importance of social media in establishing "buzz", it's full value will be realized when we can both measure the buzz and its sources. A company named Klout is working on a metric for identifying an quantifying individual sources of online buzz on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. If you can identify the most connected nodes, you can try to have them spread the messages you want...

Of course, just being the most connected, doesn't always mean that you are the most influential; influence is a combination of reach and persuasiveness. The persuasiveness of these sources isn't being measured yet!

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